Electronic Reserves

Search & Request Items

Blackboard login Blackboard login (grant course access to Himmelfarb)

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How to Request Electronic Reserves

Configuring your Blackboard course and requesting articles:

  1. Log in to Blackboard and give Himmelfarb Library access to your course. Step-by-step instructions for granting access to Himmelfarb staff are included in our reserves tutorial video.
    • If we do not gain access to your Blackboard course, we cannot fulfill your request.
    • We will create your Electronic Reserves section, if necessary.
  2. Granting Himmelfarb access to your course in Blackboard will redirect you to the reserve request form, where you can begin requesting articles.
  3. Complete and submit the reserve request form for up to 5 articles. If you have more than 5 articles to request, complete the form only once and send the rest of your requests via email as per the instructions below.
  4. Once your items are posted, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.

Requesting more than 5 articles:

  1. Give Himmelfarb Library access to your Blackboard course, as described above.
  2. Complete and submit ONLY ONE (1) reserve request form.
  3. Send the remaining requested articles in a list, or send your syllabus with the sessions and articles highlighted to mlbrsv@gwu.edu. We can only accept .doc or .pdf files.
  4. Once your items are posted, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.

Contact Himmelfarb Reserves

Himmelfarb Library
Reserves Department